Minggu, 17 Januari 2016

Audiolingual Method, Direct Method and Suggestopedia: Some Short Questions

Audiolingual Method, Direct Method and Suggestopedia in language teaching. Here are some short questions that may be useful for you.

1) What are the similarities and what is the main difference between audiolingual method and direct method? What is/are the special characteristic(s) of each of these two methods?

The similarities between audiolingual method and direct method are that in the teaching process of these two methods, the lessons begin with dialogues and the grammar or grammatical structures are learnt inductively.

The main difference between direct method and audiolingual is that in the direct method, the teacher must be a native speaker or have nativelike proficiency in the target language. It is because the teacher has to teach students by using the target language that students learn. Meanwhile, in the audiolingual method, the teacher must be proficient only in the structures and vocabulary, etc that he/she is teaching since learning activities and materials are carefully controlled.

The specific characteristics of each method are:

Direct Method:
  • No use of mother tongue is permitted. That is why, the teacher does need to know students’ native language.
  • Lessons begin with dialogues and anecdotes in modern conversational styles.
  • Actions and pictures are used to make meaning clear.
  • Grammar is learned inductively.
  • Literary texts are read for pleasure and are not analyzed grammatically.
  • The target culture is taught inductively.
  • The teacher must be a native speaker or have nativelike proficiency in the target language.
Audiolingual Method
  • Lessons begin with dialogues.
  • Mimicry and memorization are used.
  • Grammatical structures are sequenced and taught inductively.
  • Skills are sequenced: listening, speaking, while reading and writing are postponed.
  • Pronunciation is stressed from the beginning.
  • Vocabulary is severely limited in initial stages.
  • A great effort is made to prevent learner errors.
  • The teacher must be proficient only in the structures and vocabulary, etc that he/she is teaching since learning activities and materials are carefully controlled.
2) What are the problems of applying the suggestopedia approach in most Indonesian school conditions? Mention some of the advantages of this approach!

The problems that are encountered when suggestopedia is applied in most school in Indonesia are:
(1) To apply the method, complete classroom facilities are needed. The class should be equipped with armed chairs, recorders, and other facilities that make the room comfortable for students. And it means a lot of money is needed.

(2) The number of students should be small number. In most schools in Indonesia, each class usually consists of big number of students. It is of course ineffective to apply the method with this number of students.

(3) As students are unique persons, some may feel disturbed by the music background played during the implementation of the method, and some may feel relaxed. Thus, the target of the method may not always successful to all students.

The advantages of the suggestopedia:
  • The method creates situation that is relaxing and convenient for students to learn.
  • The music background played, to some students is very helpful to gain more understanding on the target language learned.
  • The use of music, relaxing, pleasing and stimulating environmental set-up, motivated and powerful service people (teachers) giving positive messages with their attractive appearance and never-ending energy so it has the potential to increase motivation, among the learners, to try and use the target language. 

3) Why was the direct method not successful in the US when it was first introduced in this country? What method was introduced to the American foreign language teachers in reaction to the direct method? What are the main characteristics of the newly introduced method?

The direct method was not successful in the US when the method was first introduced because the difficulty to get the native speaker who would teach the target language. This happened because to teach using the direct method, native speaker or native-like speaker of the target language is needed. At that time, American people still found difficulty to find the people who could do the teaching. Few teachers could use their foreign language well enough to use the direct method. Besides, the direct method emphasized the speaking skill, while many Americans rarely travelled abroad.

In reaction to the direct method, reading approach was introduced. Reading was viewed as the most usable skill to have in a foreign language since not many people traveled abroad at that time.

The characteristics of reading approach:
  • Only the grammar useful for reading comprehension is taught.
  • Vocabulary is controlled at first and then expanded.
  • Translation is once more a respectable classroom procedure.
  • Reading comprehension is the only language skill emphasized.
  • The teacher does not need to have good oral proficiency in the target language.

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